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Mali's junta tells France to keep 'colonial reflexes' to itself

by Reuters
Thursday, 27 January 2022 14:14 GMT


By John Irish and Tiemoko Diallo

PARIS/BAMAKO, Jan 27 (Reuters) - France needs to stop interfering in Mali's affairs and keep its "colonial reflexes" to itself, the transitional junta government's spokesman said, rejecting claims Mali had wrongfully asked Denmark to pull its troops from the country.

Relations between France and its former colony have soured since the junta has clung to power and brought Russian mercenaries into the country.

"We invite (Armed Forces Minister Florence) Parly to show restraint and respect the basic principle of not interfering in the domestic affairs of a state," Abdoulaye Maiga told national news broadcaster ORTM1 late on Wednesday.

Maiga's comments targeting Parly, who had accused the junta of provocation, come amid a standoff over the presence of a European Takuba task force which was set up to help Mali tackle Islamic State and al Qaeda militants.

France and 14 other European countries urged the junta on Wednesday to allow Danish special forces to remain in Mali, rejecting the junta's claims their presence was without legal basis. Maiga responded that the Danes needed to withdraw immediately.

"We invite them (the Danes) to be careful about some partners who sadly have problems getting rid of their colonial reflexes," Maiga said.

The Takuba force is the lynchpin of France's strategy in the region to reduce its presence. It is more symbolic than operationally significant, but the arrival of Russian trainers, mercenaries and the junta's efforts to stay in power have made some countries question whether the force should remain in Mali.

The junta's decision to ask Denmark to leave is likely to impact future deployments, with Norway, Hungary, Portugal, Romania and Lithuania set to send troops this year.

"No accord authorizes the deployment of Danish special forces to the Takuba Task Force," the Malian government said in a statement.

Norway, Portugal and Hungary are still waiting for approval to deploy their special forces, the junta said. (Additional reporting by Tiemoko Diallo in Bamako and Bate Felix in Dakar; Editing by Bernadette Baum)

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