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Bolivians trade dreams of riches for good health in indigenous miniature festival

by Reuters
Monday, 24 January 2022 21:08 GMT

LA PAZ, Jan 24 (Reuters)A - Like many Bolivian artisans, Joselyn Quispe was used to selling tiny houses, cars and dollar bills in January during the local Aymara Festival of Alasita, where people buy miniatures related to their personal wishes for the year.

But this year, Bolivians are not as focused on material things.

"People are coming with a lot of faith and devotion. They are no longer asking for houses, they are asking the god of abundance for health, because many people have died of COVID," Quispe told Reuters.

The colorful Alasita - which means "buy me" - is an annual tradition with local artisan fairs dealing in miniatures that are then blessed under the auspices of the indigenous god of abundance, Ekeko.

Among the miniatures Bolivians have been buying this year are certificates of good health, negative COVID-19 tests and vaccination cards. The mayor of La Paz, Ivan Arias, bought a miniature hospital for himself.

More than 20,000 people have died in Bolivia due to the pandemic and the fourth wave of the pandemic - driven by the highly contagious omicron variant - has saturated hospitals once again.

"We want a lot of health, because that is what is going to allow us to restart the economy and create jobs," Arias said at the Alasita fair.

However, Bolivia's left-wing President Luis Arce, a trained economist, went to buy a more conventional miniature for himself: tiny bills.

Still, a woman gifted Arce a miniature kit containing medicines and natural herbs to protect him from COVID-19.

Jacqueline Flores bought a building because she is hoping to get a larger house as well as some bills so she does not lack money during the year

"I have a business and I want it to grow. That's why I come here to Alasita," Flores said. "I also wish for health. With the pandemic we can't hold onto anything material." (Reporting by Daniel Ramos; Editing by Mark Porter)

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