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ACT Alliance Appeal: Post-Ebola Recovery Program, Liberia

by Elisabeth Gouel | https://twitter.com/actalliance | ACT Alliance - Switzerland
Wednesday, 22 July 2015 10:30 GMT

* Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Post-Ebola Recovery Program in Liberia – LBR151
Appeal Target: US$ 2,639,966
Balance Requested: US$ 2,634,062

LBR151, originally issued 12 June 2015, is now being reissued due to withdrawal of one project and other adjustments to the previous document.

Geneva, 21 July 2015

As a result of the EVD outbreak in 2014, the Liberian Government made an appeal to international governments and national and international organizations to help combat this life-threatening disease. The response from international organizations was very positive and Liberia received a lot of support in combating the virus. The EVD took away many innocent lives and left people psychologically traumatized and stigmatized. The livelihood of the population was greatly affected as communities and families were quarantined to help stop the spread of the virus, thereby disrupting the farming activities and livelihood, and limiting income generation capacities.

Over 3,000 children were made orphans as either one or both of their parents and family members died in the Ebola crisis. The situation was exacerbated by many deaths among health workers who had no or very limited knowledge on how to handle patients affected by the virus. With a large population of street children, the situation could get worse if these children orphaned by the EVD who are in dire need of support to have a chance in the future, are not catered for.

With the support of members of ACT Alliance, the ACT Liberia Forum has effectively intervened, along with other international agencies, in combating the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia.

An ACT follow-up response is now urgently needed to provide assistance to surviving victims of the Ebola crisis including children orphaned by the EVD, other Ebola survivors and communities decimated by the EVD and needing help in restarting livelihoods, restoring water and sanitation, provision of psychosocial support and education opportunities along with follow up activities outlined under ACT Appeal LBR141. This support would contribute to restoring dignity of life and peaceful co-existence.

For the full document please click here
